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Since its inception, Sigma Gamma Rho has promoted unity

among women.  The Epsilon Sigma alumnae chapter works with

individuals who are not members of Greek-lettered

organizations. These beautiful, talented women are

appropriately named PHILOS which means "Friends" of

Sigma Gamma Rho, Incorporated. Organized into auxiliaries that

had various names until 1954 when the sorority officially approved

the organized affiliate group.

In 1980, the Philos were organized on a national level and have

grown to represent hundreds of women organized on a regional

level as well. The Philos have contributed countless hours of community

service and thousands of dollars to aid Sigma Gamma Rho's aim to

enhance the quality of lifewithin every community.


For more information on how you can participate please complete the contact form on this website.


Rhoer Club 


Leadership, Community Service and Scholarship are the hallmarks activities 

of the Rhoer Club.  Rhoers are organized on a local, regional and national level.

Local clubs are advised by chapters of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. and

attend annual regional and national meetings to experience and collaborte with youths.


The purpose of the Rhoers Club is to provide a positive experience for young ladies up

to 18 years of age in leadership development, academic counseling, personal counseling,

mentoring, community service, and rites of passage.


The qualified member participates in many of the activities of the sorority as well as special youth development programs.  Rhoer Clubs offer girls the opportunity to build their self esteem, learn about their heritage and develop the skills needed to be personally and academically successful.


Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. believes in training young girls to be leaders in their own lives and their communities so they will make a difference. The sorority’s motto of “Greater Service, Greater Progress” reflects its drive to train girls to serve their community to improve the quality of life for all. Girls are taught the importance of Scholarship because only through education will we reach our full potential.


For more information on how your daughter can participate please complete the contact form on this web-site.


©2024 by RestoreU. Proudly created for Epsilon Sigma 

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